Friday, October 23, 2009

Tanning for psoaisis?

i want to start tanning again to help my psoraisis. but my psoraisis is on my scalp and tanning and sun helped it a lot clear it up and stopped the itching. we dont have a lot of sun in alaska and its never even hot enough to clear it up. anyways i guess my question is should i start again and i guess is tanning bad for you?

note: please dont tell me to go to the doctor and have it checked, ive been there, payed thousands of dollars for medication that dont work. thanx
Tanning for psoaisis?
i dont know anything about psoriasis but when i was in bali my scalp got sunburnt and it peeled. it was one of the worst cases of sunburn ever. looked like i had dandruff. i dont get dandruff a lot but maybe once every 6 months i get it a little bit so i wash my hair with neutrogena t gel shampoo and i believe that also works for your condition.

as far as sun tanning, it is pretty bad, people die from skin cancer. this summer i think i am going to fake it because i dont want to get cancer.
Tanning for psoaisis?
my friend has this, and we are in the uk, they actually give her UVB treatment free here, its given by means of a high powered sunbed because the uvb rays are proven to help so much, she goes, 3 times a week for 6 weeks, so whilst tanning isnt usually recommended, in this case it would be
Reply:Exposing yourself to sunlight can cause skin cancer. I live in Australia and this is the skin cancer capital of the world because we have so much sunshine all year round.

Yes, doctors are not much good when it comes to problems like these.

Have you tried aloe vera gel? It might be worth a go ; get the 100% pure gel. It will be perfecly clear...not green.

The other thing to try is emu oil whcih is readily available in the United States. Although it's main use is for arthritic joints, many people use it for just about everything.

I suggest these two things because they are very cheap so it won't cost you too much to given it a try.

Stay out of the cancer can kill you. Tanning salons are even more dangerous ; many people want them banned here altogether.
Reply:Yes i would recommend it it is easy for people to get on here and tell you try this and that but dont understand what living with psoraisis is like...IT'S HELL!!! I have excema which is a form of it just not as serious. My doctor advised me to go to the tanning bed but to use a high spf sunscreen while in there to protect myself from the burning and aging rays and skin cancer,,, I recommend trying that if you arent going strictly just to tan but to relieve some of your symptoms. Also while going i doubled up on my tar medication and if you have psoraisis you know what im talking about it it has been 4 months now and i am flake and scale free. I wish you the best of luck with this..

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