What are the details of getting a tan from a tanning bed.
How long does it take to build up the tan and how long is it maintained? Is it maintained as much as the real thing? Or does it fade faster?
Tanning Bed/Booth question?
What some people don't seem to understand is that a "tanning bed" tan IS a "real" tan. The lamps used in tanning beds produce the same UVA and UVB rays as the sun. However, in my opinion a tanning bed is somewhat safer b/c you get a controlled amount of the rays unlike the sun. Everyone is different, and some ppl tan easier than others. But you need to listen to your tan consultant. They know more about it than you and (if they are certified) will advise you wisely. But if you are tring to quickly build your tan, begin tanning daily, when you achieve the tan you desire, back off a little and only tan 2-3 days per week to maintain your tan. It will not fade any faster than a tan from the sun would. Like I said before everyone is different and it depends on how long your melanan holds the pigment and how quickly your skin "sheds". And please moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.
The salon will offer many lotions and they all seem very complicated, but let me help, Accelorator- This is good. It will help moisturize and accelorate you tan. Bronzers- Have fake tanner in them to make you think you are tanning quicker (will not protect you from the sun even though you think you are darker) Cooling Factors- Have a mental feel and seem to "cool" you, Tiggle or Hot Factor- Make you feel like you are burning. If you have never tried one and didn't know what it was you may very well think your skin is on fire and something is very wrong.
I personal will not use anything but a good accelorator lotion without the "extras" b/c the Bronzer, Tiggle, and Cooling lotions actually dry you out more and to achieve the best tan your skin needs moisture. I can't stress that enough. Also lotions that are very fragrant (bath and body, VS, etc.) or even tanning lotion that is too fragrant contain a lot of alcohol and try your skin out sooo much. I wouldn't use them when I am not tanning muchless when I am. So remember Moisturize before, during and after tanning. I promise this is the key to a great tan and great skin.
All this being said, ALL "TANS" ARE SKIN DAMAGE!!
Tanning Bed/Booth question?
Well.. I went through a tanning bed phase for a couple of monthis this semester... but I do not plan on doing it again.
The tan took about 2 weeks to be noticeable for me, however I usually only went twice a week. As the weeks progressed though, I was quite tan by the end of my sessions.
I stopped tanning about 3 weeks ago, and my skin has DEFINITELY faded. Imagine tanning outside for a month, and then staying inside *all* the time. It's the same idea.
I would say that it stays just as long as the "real thing"--since the same thing is happening to your skin outdoors and indoors (keep in mind that a tan is a sign of skin damage, whether you are outdoors or indoors.)
Just be careful if you start tanning... Keep it in moderation, as I know some girls who have become kind of addicted...
Reply:If you are light or fair skinned, you should start at the minimal time of 3 minutes. Once you have done that for about 3 sessions you may bump your time up to 4 or 5 minutes. Every 3 or 4 sessions bump your time up 2 minutes. If you burn - DO NOT INCREASE YOUR TIME. Allow your burn to heal (burning is how you get skin cancer) and then resume tanning once you are not burnt. This is the reason you start low - to prevent burning. Once you are at a comfortable color (this may take 2-3 months of 2 sessions per week) you may remain at your current time without increasing it. It is important to keep everything in moderation to avoid skin complications. Using the lotions that the salon sell also help increase your tanning potential and speed up the process. Accellerators (step 1) are good for your first few weeks of tanning as they prepare the skin and give you a base tan. Bronzers (step 2) are good after your base tan is built, they give you a nice glow. Dual bronzers are bronzers %26amp; self tanners mixed, these are also great for immediate results but can be streaky if not rubbed in properly (use circular motions). Moisturizing after every session can help maintain your tan. Also - dont forget eye protection EVER. Only use the goggles sold in salons and not towels, quarters, or cotton balls. Keeping your eyes closed is NOT good enough. Remember, always make sure you are studying your skin closely every so often for strange moles or marks. Happy tanning!
Reply:It depends on the number of bulbs in a tanning bed. If its a 20 min bed it will take a couple of weeks. If the bed is less time and has more bulbs it takes less time. You can maintain a tan if you go once or twice weekly. You also need to use good indoor tanning lotion with a bronzer in it this helps you get darker faster and keep the tan longer.
Reply:tanning beds emit uv rays just as the sun does, so the tans that u receive are identical...so, the tan u get from a bed is going to last the same amount of time as one you`d get if u were to tan outside...if u intend to use a bed, remember to use a lotion formulated for tanning bed use, as moisturized skin tans better %26amp; holds color much longer...u can`t use mass-market tanning lotions when u tan in a bed as some of the ingredients damage the acrylic shield on the bed...also, u will want to use a good moisturizing lotion after u shower, to keep your skin hydrated, as tanning will dry out your skin...dry skin actually reflects the uv rays, so will lessen the chance of u getting good color...also, exfoliating regularly will get rid of dead skin that tends to give your tan a dull color...
Reply:i work in a tanning salon so here are the facts.
the lights are not the same as the sun yes they are uv a and uv b but they are created artificially for our benifit.
tanning indoors is safer because it is controled.
to start with we work with 225watt tubes and their is 60 tubes in each of our beds after 15 sessions evey other day you will have your maximum colour, this is then maintained by a couple of sessions a week.
when using a tanning bed you must moisturise directly before tanning this will help you tan more evenly and quicker. they are products out their for tanning but a good moisturiser will do fine. you must exfoliate and moisturise every day to keep you skin healthy.
tanning beds can also help skin problems provide you with vitamin d and make you feel better. hope this helps the best thing to do is to talk to your local tanning salon for more info.
Reply:It depends on how dark you want to get. I go 3 times a week until I get about the color I want. Then I go down to 2 times a week. Once it starts getting hotter outside and I have the color I want I go once a week to maintain it.
It is important that you use a good tanning lotion, the best can be bought at the salon and of course the more expensive the better. You also need to keep your skin moisturized to help hold the tan longer and get a better color faster. I recommend applying regular lotion once or twice a day, like after a shower.
Happy Tanning!
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