SO I started tanning at a tanning bed about a week ago...and trust me I dont plan on doing it long..I just want a nice tan for when my husband comes home on R%26amp;R..havnt seen him in 9 months..anyways....the past 3 -4 times I have gone..I come home and I itch terribly...I thought it may be the lotion I was using has alot of citrus in I stopped but today..I still itch..Im only in there for 11 min..and my breasts are red and itch like crazy as well as my underwear line..and behind my knees...but my boobs are by far the worst! I have tried cortizone cream and a moisterizor with aloe..PLEASE tell me what this is and if it will stop..Im itching so bad I want to cry..please help me
Tanning bed rash HELP!! IM ITCHING!!!?
This happens to me too... it will go away try not to scratch it'll just irritate it. I'm not sure why it happnes, try taking a cool shower.
Tanning bed rash HELP!! IM ITCHING!!!?
If its not sunburn, you just might be allergic to the bulbs/bed. It happens.
Reply:stop tanning it could be a wide range of things..... but i am sure if you keep doing it it will only get worse
Reply:Try drinking plenty of water.
Reply:sunburn itches. don't go for so long when you have only been tanning a week or so. start at like 5 mins then every other time you go add one minute.
Reply:It's BECAUSE of the tanning. You are exposing yourself to concentrated doses of UV light. I don't care WHAT "scientific studies" are done, exposing yourself to harmful rays is bad for your skin. It's like having a bad sunburn. I would recommend your stop with the tanning period. Your skin is probably very sensitive and getting large doses of UV is bad for you. My suggestion would be to simply take cold baths to soothe your skin and simply hydrate yourself by drinking lots of water. Stay away from the tanning salon and you should be fine in no time.
Reply:It isn't a rash. You are burned from the tanning bed.
That is what happens when you burn from the tanning bed.
The only thing you can do is apply some aloe vera gel on it every 5 to 10 minutes and take a benadryll.
You stayed in wayyy too long.
I suggest not going for about 3 or 4 days.
And...good news is....after you stop itching, the red turns to a pretty brown!!!
Good luck and stay away from the tanning bed for a few days.
Reply:You did a good thing by stopping the citrus tanning lotion, now you're just dealing with a residual allergic reaction. I had the same thing happen to me with fabric softener - it's HORRIBLE, I know!!
The only thing that got me to stop is by taking a bath using Aveenon - you can find it in any grocery store or Wal-Mart. It worked like a charm and it made me much more relaxed too! Good luck - I know it's awful!!
Reply:I had the exact same problem and it turns out I was allergic to the concentrated light that you get in a tanning bed. Take my advice stop tanning and pop some benadryl for the itching I know it is horrible and the more you tan the worse it will get!
Reply:ohhh my god that happened to me!!!!
i got little red dots and was itching like crazy
what helped for me was to like soak in a hot bath and put this after burn cream on
sometimes when it was really bad id put stuff for poisen ivy and chicken pox on it (i cant totally remember what it was called but it was kinda pink and dried white
ummm and the itching might be a result of a burn
try going in for a little less time and using alot of lotion with like an spf 30 in it
then once you stop itching go in for longer :)
Reply:this happened to my mom from tanning, it is becasue these areasa rarley see sun, so they get irratated by the tanning bed easily, so go to a drugstore and by some after sun lotion, not the aloe gupy **** AFTER SUN LOTION!!! and how often have you been going to the tanning bed, everyday,3 times a week, that can effect this too
good luck, i hope this helps
Reply:Hey girl. I've been there before. I was a religious tanner but I stopped because I had precancerous melanoma and it's SO BAD FOR YOU! but I digress.
It might be heat/sun poisoning. The intensity of the rays can cause rashes.
Try icing it maybe take some Benedryl.
And you should probably stop tanning. Banana Boat gradual tan lotion works pretty well and doesn't sweat off.
Reply:Well, of course stop the tanning. Call the tanning salon and see if they have any answers. Cortisone doesnt help me. I get hives from sun sometimes and use benadryl. You can get pills or the spray. Get the spray because sometimes benadryl will make you tired but the spray wont. And you can target the areas that are the worse.Take tylenol. Get into the tub with Aveeno. Good luck.
Reply:Ya that itch is the worst!!
Even prescription itch cream won't work sometimes.
All it is, is your skin healing itself. it should go away after a couple to a few days. and can come back up to the next few times you go.
Try giving yourself an extra day for your skin to recover. and then go again when the itch has gone.
Mean time lots of after sun lotion!!! (i suggest banana boat's) and antihistamines for allergies (benadryl) and the anti itch cream you have been using as well.
Reply:That is normal... I always itch too when I first start going and get a little burned. As your burn turns into a tan and you get used to going, the itching will stop.
Reply:Sunburn, or something like it.
Try Calamine lotion, best anti-itch thing around.. it's like pepto bismal for your skin.
Sounds like you might have really sensitive skin.. some folks don't do well in tanning booths..
It could also be an allergy to whatever sunscreen or lotion you're using while you're there. In that case, a shower might help.
If you take a shower, I suggest having one that's as hot as the sensitive areas will allow. Be careful though.. you may find that your breasts are especially sensitive to the temperature and you need to introduce each body part to the water CAREFULLY, to make sure it's not too hot for anything.
If you continue itching, wrap up in a towel that won't let you REALLY scratch anything.. the more you scratch, the more it'll itch.
Reply:You might be allergic to the UV rays. OR the cleanser they use to clean the tanning beds....
Try :
Bringing your own wipes and towel
Dont tan naked
Give the remaing tanning sessions to a freind or relative as a gift.... Better for someone to use them if you cant...
NExt time get a smaller package... or pay 7-10 for a single tan , per session,.... that way there is NO commitment.
Reply:The problem may be one of the following...
1. the tanning bed is not cleaned properly and you are getting residual lotion, possibly from a tingle lotion.
2. you are tanning too long in a uva rich bed. tan in a bed with much more uva. as the salon owner which beds have a much higher amount of uva. uva penetrates deeper and gets you a better tan, with less chance of burning. uvb us known as the burning ray. Tan for shorter periods of time in this bed, make sure you skin is mositurized, and you may see better results.
3. you have very dry skin and it is burning, both of which are bad.
you should not tan for a week at least until the itching goes away and read #2 above again.
or, you can use a mystic tan (spray tan)...only use mystic tan if you do a spray tan's the best. and do it once before your event to test it so you get it right. And then do it again a day or two before your event.
Reply:its normal it happens to me too,
use non scented lotion throughout your body
it should be gone it a week, DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY!
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